Spectacular Failures - Season Two Trailer Transcription
This is a transcript of the Spectacular Failures season 2 trailer.
Listen to the episode: Website
[SF Theme]
I’m Lauren Ober, and from American Public Media, this is Spectacular Failures, the show that stands six feet away from failure even though...
[Theme winds down and stops]
Psych. I pulled a prank on you. It’s actually the trailer for Season 2!
[SF Theme kicks back in]
We’re back starting August 3!!! Hurray!
2020 hasn’t been the kindest year to business...or to any of us for that matter. A global pandemic, an economic meltdown, protests against police brutality that brought cities to the brink. Yeah with all that, you better believe biz took a mighty hit.
And you know who can give you the inside scoop on busted businesses and collapsed corporations? How’s about a show called Spectacular Failures?
This season we’ve got some fail tales for the ages.
We’ve got stories about Broadway flops:
[CADY HUFFMAN]: I was the original Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Jansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson.
And environmental disasters:
[LUELLA KENNY - Archival Tape]: Do you know what it’s like to lose a child? Do you? Because I can tell you exactly what it’s like to lose a child. And when it’s due to chemicals it’s even worse.
And the long slow slide into obsolescence of a super sexy dietary staple:
[KAYLA GAINES]: I’m just a dairy girl. I think I’m just a dairy girl, haha.
[Cow moo]
Check out the new season of Spectacular Failures August 3rd. Available in all the places.
[Theme resolves]